Monitoring -
Nous avons identifié la cause du problème, qui est due à un problème avec notre service tiers EU VIES lors de la validation des numéros de TVA français. Veuillez noter que si vous réessayez, cela devrait fonctionner. Consultez ce SITE pour plus d’informations.
We have identified the cause of the issue and it is due to an issue on our Third-Party EU Vies when validating French VAT numbers.
Please be aware to that if you retry it should be working. Check this SITE for more information.
Feb 12, 2025 - 11:52 UTC
Update - Nous avons identifié un problème en France où les clients utilisant l’API VIES pour valider les numéros de TVA français reçoivent un message indiquant « Ce numéro de TVA n’est pas valide ou n’est pas référencé dans VIES », mais s’ils réessayent plus tard, cela fonctionne. Toutes les autres fonctionnalités du produit fonctionnent comme prévu.
Nous sommes actuellement en train d’enquêter.
Les produits/services affectés sont :
-Sage 100 Partner Cloud (FR)
-Sage Online
-Sage Intacct
-Sage FRP 1000 (FR)
-Sage FRP 1000 Partner Cloud (FR)
We have identified an issue in France where customers that use the VIES API to validate French VAT numbers are facing a message “This VAT number is not valid or not referenced in VIES”, but if they retry later it is working. All other product functionality is performing as expected.
We are currently investigating.
The products/services affected are:
-Sage 100 Partner Cloud (FR)
-Sage 100 Online SPP (FR)
-Sage Intacct
-Sage FRP 1000 (FR)
-Sage FRP 1000 Partner Cloud (FR)
Feb 12, 2025 - 10:16 UTC
Investigating - We are investigating a potential issue with the service. An update will be provided within 30 minutes.
Feb 12, 2025 - 09:56 UTC
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Feb 11, 2025 - 06:30 UTC
Scheduled - From Tuesday February 11th, 2025 to Sunday February 16th, 2025 we have received notification that a number of banks are conducting scheduled maintenance which will delay our ability to retrieve transactions from the bank between 00:00 UTC and 06:30 UTC.
As a result we require to avoid performing transaction syncing during this scheduled maintenance and therefore some customers using the below products may experience delays in receiving yesterdays' bank transactions by up to 5 and half hours, however the sync of yesterdays transactions should be completed for all customers by 14:30 UTC at the latest:
- Sage Intacct (UK)
- Sage 50 (UK)
- Sage Business Cloud Accounting (UK)
- Sage 200 Standard (UK)
- Sage 200 Professional SPC (UK)
- Sage Accounting Individual (UK)
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Thank you. The Sage Team
Feb 11, 2025 06:30 - Feb 16, 2025 08:00 UTC